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Consider how much talent the Lord has given to man. With that endowment, seek the Purusharthas, and move forward on the path to the Lord, adhering strictly to the demands of Sathya. That is the use to which the talent has to be put; that is the purpose of the gift. It is only those gifted with eyesight that can see things: the blind have not that luck. So too, only those gifted with Sathya, longing for Purusharthas and adherence to Dharma, can see the Lord; all others are blind. The Lord has also given man the instruments for developing his intellect and discrimination. If he uses them well and tries to realise himself, the Lord will add unto him fresh talent and new sources of power, for He is full of Grace towards the struggling. When man seeks to follow Dharma, the Truth too will reveal itself to him.

If you are careless about the discipline of Sathya, every duty laid on you by Dharma and every Karma prompted by Dharma will hang heavy as a burden. Search for the reality behind all these phenomena and that search will make all Dharmakarmas light and pleasant. The Lord has so shaped man that he is inclined towards God and delighted at the expansion of his vision and happy when he is moral and virtuous. So man must serve his best interests by adhering to his basic nature, by concentration on Brahma, by the cultivation of Sathya and the practice of Dharma: "Sathyenaavrtha". Sathya has to be sought and tested by all the canons of reasoning.

The discipline consists of:

  • Ojascha, the heroism to observe Dharma rigorously;
  • Thejascha, fearless self-control;
  • Sahascha, the discarding of all feelings of joy or sorrow at the ups and downs of life, the unshakable faith in Sathya and Dharma;
  • Balamcha, mental and physical health of the most excellent kind earned by discipline and Brahmacharya;
  • Vaakcha, the desire and the ability to speak sweet and straight, won by the practice of Sathya and Prema;
  • Indriyamoha, the withdrawal of the five Jnanendriyas and the five Karmendriyas from vice and sin and the sublimation of all the Indriyas for the service of Sathya;
  • Sreescha, the winning of the overlordship of all the worlds by the self-won domination of the inner world;
  • Dharmascha, the destruction of one's prejudices and the pursuit of Truth at all times - the prayer man has to make, is "May all this be conferred on me" as found in the "Chamaka" (ojaschame etc.)
