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Brahman encompasses all and awareness of any entity is awareness of Brahman Itself. It cannot be differentiated or divided. Ananda is all; Brahman, the Anandamaya, is the jivatma too, appearing as individualised. The quality cannot be identified and considered apart from the thing possessing it. The Atma is Ananda, whether universalised as Param-Atma or particularised as jivatma. Ananda cannot be measured out as less or more. Anandamaya (full of Ananda) means Ananda itself, not something having Ananda. So, jivatma is not less or Param-Atma is not more of Ananda. They are both the same Ananda. In the ordinary worldly sense, too, Ananda is the characteristic of each living being. As a consequence, every human being seeks to express and develop it. Living beings are found renouncing various desires and lines of conduct in order to attain Ananda. But, belief that ananda can be secured from external objects is a sign of ignorance. "Sarvam paravasam duhkham" (From all outside you, grief); "Sarvam Atmavasam sukham" (From all within you, you). According to this axiom, when man feels that his Ananda is dependent on external objects, he is moving beyond himself and courting grief. He plunges into needless grief by the enslavement to objects which, according to his fancy, can make him happy. He becomes the target for anxiety and worry. The attempt to derive Ananda through external objects and external activities is, therefore, not commendable at all. Those who long for genuine Ananda have to turn their attempts inward, bound to the Atma. When Ananda is sought from external objects, one has to suffer much, just as a person afflicted with thirst runs towards a mirage. He gets nothing to quench his thirst and he has a miserable end. One point at this juncture: When it is said that Rama made Bhima a wealthy
person or that Rama made Bhima a well-informed person, does it not follow
that at the beginning Rama was wealthier or more knowledgeable than Bhima?
If Rama was indigent and ignorant, how could he transform Bhima into a
wealthy or knowledgeable person? Obviously, it would not be possible.
Brahman is ananda-swaroop-Ananda itself. So, every living thing receives
Ananda from Brahman. He is All-knowledge. So, He awards, arouses and advances
knowledge in all. God is the grantor, the promoter of Ananda. This is
confirmed in the Sutra "Aanandamayobhyaasaath" ("The Blissful One is the
Supreme Self, since the statement is repeated many times.") |