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The Cosmos (Prapancha - the five-element Composite) has emanated from the Omniself, the Paramatma, Brahman. There is no spot anywhere where Its manifestation is not. The Jagath is ever in movement; the Lord of the Cosmos (Jagadiswara) is the mover. Worldly love is not genuine love; the love of the Atma is the source of all such love. The Upanishad announces that this was the teaching that Yaajnavalkya imparted to Maitreyi. "Aatmanastu Kaamaaya sarvam priyam bhavati". (It is for one's Atma that all is dear). Love for the Self is primary; love for other objects is secondary. If one loves another, that cannot be termed as love. The self craves for Ananda, and loves because of the Ananda derivable therefrom. Anuraaga or affection or love flows from self towards self. So, when the Atmic Reality is understood as the Source, we can know that all that happens through the Supreme Consciousness, Brahma Chaithanya. Chara and Achara (the apparently moving and unmoving, active and inert) are both willed by the Divine (Daiva sankalpa). That Will is Chetthana, a Conscious Act; it is not A-chethana, a form of inertia. This is the truth revealed by this Sutra - Eekshather naa Sabdam. Whatever arguments and counter-arguments are advanced by any person, the truth that Daiva Sankalpa is the root of everything stands unshakable. Those persons are either deluded by appearances or are only trying to bolster up their pet fancies avoiding deeper probes. The human body is a support, a receptacle (aalam-banam) for the Atma. Elements like water and wind are intimately bound up with the body. Therefore, the Atma Principle, the Brahma Principles, which is the core, is not cognized. Man has lost the awareness of this Principle or Thatva which is his Truth. It is in the body, but not of it. It is the A-sareera Thatva, the Principle that does not belong to the body though active in it. That is the Atma. The capacity of the eyes to see and the capacity of the ears to hear
are given by the Atma. How, then, can the eyes see the Atma or the ears
hear It? The eyes and ears are (Aadheya) sustained; the Omni-Consciousness
(Sarva Chaithanya), the Brahman Principle, the Atma, is the Aadhaara,
the Sustainer. That is the real "You", the Will, the Sankalpa. |