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The genuine characteristics, the Swarupa Lakshana, never undergoes change. It abides in all. The form may suffer change; the name may change. Times may change; the space occupied might alter. But the core of Truth, the Swarupa Lakshana, will not change. That core is denoted as Asthi, Bhaathi and Priyam in Vedanta Texts. The thing is, Asthi. It exists. Existence is the unchanging truth. It may change its form and name, in time and space but the isness is genuine. It makes itself known as existing, through the native characteristic of Prakasa or luminosity or capacity to attract our awareness and confer knowledge - Bhaathi. We can know it, because it has bhaathi; all things we know have this innate characteristic. Each thing has the characteristic of Priyam also - likeability, capacity to invoke attachment and love, as a result of usability. The above three are together the nature of God. On these three as the basis, forms are constructed by the mind and names for the forms follow. But, the forms and names undergo modification. They are therefore designated as Maya - relative realities, temporary superimpositions on the basic Truth. Paramatma, the One Omniself is the basis on which everything with form and name is imposed. The appearance of name and form on the Real is due to the operation of the Maya principle. Name and Form which are structures raised by the mind on the basis of Brahmam are to be considered as indicative proofs for the Truth on which they arise and disappear. Brahmam can be known only when the basic characteristics are known Swarupa Jnanam. Once Brahman is known, the awareness makes the person, who is aware, Brahman itself. "Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavathi". This is the assurance given by Sruthi, the Vedas. In truth, the basis as well as the entities resting on it, the appearance and the Real are both Divine, caused by Brahmam. So, if this is established in one's knowledge by inquiry, Brahmaji jnaasa, life fulfils itself. Sathyam, Jnaanam, Anantham - this is the tripod on which Brahmam rests.
Awareness of Brahmam is awareness of Truth; knowledge of Brahmam is the
knowledge; it is unlimited, endless. From Brahma emanated Akasa (space;
the sky); from Akasa emanated Vayu (Air); from vayu, Agni (Fire); from
Agni, Jalam (Water); from jalam, Prithvi (Earth). From the earth grew
life - giving plants (Oushadha); from Oushadha, Anna (Food) and from anna,
Purusha (persons, Humans). The process of Projection is happening in this
series. Brahma, the first, Purusha, the last. So, the Purusha and Brahma
are closely related. |