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Preface Sutra (aphorism) expresses in a few words the genus of its meaning. The Brahma Sutras are the Science of Vendanta. They emanate the Sweetness of Sweets when they are chanted. Today harmony is the need of the hour. The ephemeral world needs spiritual awareness. This is what the Vedantins visualise. Vedic scriptures offer comforting counsel. They throw a kindly light. Man has the distorted Vision (Ku-darshan); he dotes in real and non-real phenomena. Su-darshan makes him to cognise the universal being in Nature's creations. Realisation of this awareness is Liberation (Moksha). Be all and end all of life of the human being - being the knowing of cosmic consciousness viz., the awareness. In the Sutra Vahini, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has had lighted the universal lamp of Atma / Brahma Vidya. This is serialised in Sanathana Sarathi. Bhagawan in His infinite Love has shown the sublime treatise on the ESSENCE OF BRAHMA SUTRAS. Bhagawan's words or pun on words is beyond human cognition and perception. We deem it a rarest of rare privilege showered on us by the Divine Love and affection, to submit at the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagawan, our Beloved Lord, on the auspicious occasion of His 66th Birthday. We hope this will transform the common man lingering in avidya maya and that this will transform his consciousness into cosmic consciousness so that the common man could comprehend Bliss. This may be spoken of as the Realisation of Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man. This will be the New Era. |