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Chapter XIII

Dharma has no prejudice or partiality; it is imbued with truth and justice. So, man has to adhere to Dharma; he has to see that he never goes against it. It is wrong to deviate from it. The path of Dharma requires that man must give up hatred against others and cultivate mutual concord and amity. Through concord and amity, the world will grow, day by day, into a place of happiness. If these are well established, the world will be free from disquiet, indiscipline, disorder and injustice.

Whatever the thing you are dealing with, you must first grasp its real meaning. And, then, you have daily to cultivate it, for your benefit. By this means, wisdom grows and lasting joy is earned. The two basic things are: Dharma and Karma. The wise, who are impartial and unprejudiced, who are confirmed in Dharma, walk on the path of Sathya, as instructed in the Vedas. That is the path for all 'men' today.

The knowledge of Dharma is reached in three stages:

  1. You must receive training under Vidwans, who are also imbued with Dharma.
  2. You must aspire to attain Atma-suddhi, self-purification, and Sathya, Truth.
  3. You must realise the value of Vedavidya, the Voice of Parameshwara.

When these three are completed, then, man understands the Truth and how that Truth is to be separated from untruth. This enquiry into Truth has to be done in amity and co-operation; all must be equally eager to discover it for the benefit of all. Every one's opinion must be tested on the touchstone of Dharma, of Universal Good or Sarva-Loka Hitha. The principles that pass this test have to be specially kept apart and used and spread in the world for advancement of human welfare. By this means all will develop joy and happiness in equal measures. Next